The following pictures were drawn within the last year. Beneath each is a small description of where it came from. Enjoy!
This alien (above) is going on a field trip to see flying saucers for the first time. Lucky doofus. I was just goofing off when I drew him, but I like the results.
This picture came when I grew tired of drawing creatures. I kind of like the colors in his face and the bold lines that were used to draw him. On the flip side, he would need a whole lot more refining to make him a finished product.
Another alien! I wanted to do a picture without drawing any lines. This was the result.
And finally, my favorite. I call him Hands, and he appeared in my sketchbook before I did a Photoshop painting of him. I think he's the best that I've done so far. I may post a better, more refined picture of him in the future. There are a few things that I didn't notice about the picture until after I had "finished" it.
Another artist in the Lowry family! There must be a gene in there somewhere. I like the bottom one the most. He seems so old and forlorn out there in the grassy wasteland. Strangely emotionally evocative. Keep it up! And write your dang novel.
ReplyDeleteThan you! I'm still trying to figure my novel out, but I will finish it eventually! I'm trying to get it finished before my mission AT LEAST.